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Liza has a degree in graphic design from the University of West Attica, where she discovered her love for comics. She has been actively involved in illustration for the last 4 years. Her inspiration is Gothic culture, medieval illustrations and the world of fantasy. Her first comic, “Rapunzel’s Tales” was released in 2021. It is a variation of the Rapunzel story where the Heroine escapes the oppressive environment in which she was born, and is faced with the difficulties of an unknown world. This year, you will find her latest comic, “The stick under the Elm Tree”. Annie is part of a family of hunters following a unique tradition. Once they reach adulthood, each member of the family stands before the family tree, an Elm that will define their place in the community. But things will take a surprising turn when it is Annie that has to stand in front of the tree.λαγή αρτιστικών στυλ. Για το μέλλον ετοιμάζει περισσότερες ιστορίες σε βιβλία και κόμικ.